Tea With Coffee Media’s Clarissa Cottrill’s Cafe Vengeance Nominated for Indieverse Award

Tea With Coffee Media is proud to announce that Clarissa Cottrill’s novella, Cafe Vengeance, has been nominated for an Indieverse Award in the “Favorite Take on an Old Favorite” category. This recognition is a testament to the exceptional storytelling and creative prowess of Clarissa Cottrill, showcasing her ability to revitalize a classic narrative in a modern context.

Tyler Wittkofsky, President and Publisher of Tea With Coffee Media, expressed his pride and admiration for Clarissa Cottrill’s achievement. “We are thrilled to see Cafe Vengeance receiving the recognition it deserves as a remastering of a classic story,” said Wittkofsky. “Clarissa’s ability to reimagine timeless themes and captivate readers with her storytelling is truly commendable. We are honored to have been a part of bringing Cafe Vengeance to life and are excited to see the impact it continues to make.”

Cafe Vengeance is a gripping tale set in the ruthless landscape of New York City. The story follows Dane Roman, an ambitious entrepreneur, whose relentless pursuit of success leads him to commit heinous acts. As he faces the consequences of his actions, readers are drawn into a nightmarish modern-day underworld, inspired by Dante’s “Inferno”. The novella delves deep into eternal damnation, offering a haunting and unforgettable narrative of horror.

In response to the nomination, Clarissa Cottrill was ecstatic about her nomination. “I’m thrilled to be nominated for an Indieverse award among such talented Indie authors across so many genres. Café Vengeance has been nominated in a category meant to recognize a successful new spin on an old favorite,” said Cottrill. “After drawing inspiration from Dante’s classic ‘Inferno’ for this novella, it’s an honor to know that my modernized take on the original subject matter has resonated with readers. I’m grateful to Tea With Coffee Media for helping me bring Café Vengeance to life, Joey Powell — author and the host of Creatives Getting Coffee podcast for nominating me, and everyone has read and/or plans to vote. Thank you!”

Clarissa Cottrill, a debut horror and literary fiction writer, is known for her captivating storytelling that delves into the essence of the human experience. Her Appalachian roots and profound understanding of the human psyche are evident in her work, making her a force to be reckoned with in the literary world. Apart from her writing endeavors, she co-hosts the millennial lifestyle podcast “30, Dirty, & Dying”, offering a multifaceted look at life in today’s world.

The Indieverse Awards celebrate the diversity and creativity of independent authors, offering recognition across various categories and genres. With a commitment to showcasing exceptional storytelling and literary talent, the awards aim to uplift and promote indie authors on a global platform.

For more information about Cafe Vengeance and Tea With Coffee Media, please visit Tea With Coffee Media’s official website.

Published by Tyler Wittkofsky

Tyler Wittkofsky overcame addiction and mental health challenges. His debut collection, “Coffee, Alcohol, and Heartbreak,” reflects a transformative journey. Novels like “(Not) Alone” and “The Seeds of Love” spotlight mental health. Tyler amplifies indie voices through Tea With Coffee Media and podcasts, sharing adventures in the blog Adventure With Coffee. Join Tyler's journey on social media @TylerWittkofsky, and explore his work at https://linktr.ee/tylerwittkofsky for an inspiring rollercoaster of emotion and unforgettable stories.

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